The Northlight is an amazing building designed for modern industry and located at the heart of Enterprise City. It’s a future-fit, digitally enabled building with efficient compact floorplates and equipped with state-of-the-art connectivity and unrivalled amenity.

Location: Manchester, UK
GIA: 257,100 sq ft / 23,885 sq m
Use: Workspace | Studios | Retail & leisure
Status: Concept

The Northlight
St. John’s Place
St. John’s
M3 3GS

The Northlight is more than just a building, it’s an interconnected campus that creates the foundation for future working in Enterprise City. This is the next generation of smart workspace, optimised for intelligent business. It aims to enhance productivity, foster collaboration and deliver efficiency through every facet of design, function and management. The digitally enabled and tech focused design provides the perfect place to locate a business.

The building will be the landmark development Enterprise City and will be visible from across the city of Manchester. The floorplates are compact, efficient and technologically serviced. Each floor will have access to amenity and leisure space at the top of the building that creates a community of work and play that will become the template for workspace buildings in the future.