The Homelessness Charter, developed by groups working alongside people affected by homelessness is the city’s new approach to tackling homelessness. One strand of this approach is the Big Change Fund, Manchester’s alternative giving strategy, that aims to maximise the use of public donations for the benefit of people who are homeless. 

The Charter outlines the principles that establish how people experiencing homelessness should be treated and how the city intends to deal with the problem. 

Allied London pledge an annual donation of £5,000, with a further £5,000 pledged by Allied London CEO Michael Ingall, making a total pledge to the Big Change Fund of £10,000 annually for 5 years. 

Some of the priority areas already identified include, improving mental health provision, increasing emergency accommodation for rough sleepers, creating an indoor evening provision for rough sleepers, increasing employment opportunities and improving sub-standard temporary accommodation. 

Councillor Paul Andrews, Manchester City Council’s Executive Member for Adult Health and Wellbeing said: “Homelessness is an issue that the council cannot deal with alone and the charter is a defining moment in the way in which we tackle the issue.  Adopting this new approach and involving all sectors of the city means that we can all play our part in helping to create innovative solutions to the problem of homelessness in our city.”

Michael Ingall, Chief Executive of Allied London, said; “The recent publicity and physical evidence of Homelessness in Manchester city centre ‎has made this issue very apparent to us, as an agent for physical change and development in the built environment of the city we would have to be very thick skinned to leave this issue unnoticed. We can’t, nor will we. I am sure there are various reasons for homelessness, but that is an even bigger reason to get involved and ensure help is given in all areas physical and psychological. We have in recent weeks explored how we can help and decided the best way to do that is by supporting The Big Change, adopting this cause as our way of helping to get to the root of homelessness in Manchester and begin the long road to relieve the issues causing and caused by homelessness. I hope also our support will be the start of a significant corporate response, and hope to see others follow our pledges. In addition, we’d also like to explore how a prototype building can be developed for homeless people that not only adapts to physical needs but also emotional and psychological.”

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